Minister of Information, Mr. Lewis Browne, has linked the ever-failing
fight against corruption to financial insecurity most public officials
experience after retirement. Min. Browne told journalists in Monrovia
over the weekend that the fight against corruption will never
materialize if such financial insecurity is not addressed.
“If people cannot look forward to retirement, it will be difficult to
fight corruption,” Min. Brown told the nation while addressing a
Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism (MICAT) press briefing.
His statement was based on the fact that the government has been
applying efforts to eradicate corruption but the phenomena persist among
the people within the private and the public sectors.
Since 2006, the Liberian government under the stewardship of President
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has instituted several integrity institutions
aimed at strengthening its system to prevent graft and embezzlement.
Some of the recent integrity institutions established in the effort to
curb corruption in the public sector were: the Liberia Anti-Corruption
Commission (LACC), the Public Procurement and Concession Commission and
the Governance Commission among others.
However, the retirement programs in the country remain challenged with
its capacity to adequately cater to individuals serving the government
when they retired.
There have been several occasions where prominent citizens who served
government either resign or retire and easily slip into impoverished
life from which they never recover.
Minister Brown who serves the Executive Branch of government has not
been the only one making reference to sluggish retirement programs as a
factor of corruption in the country as Assigned Civil Judge Peter
Gbeneweleh spoke of the same recently.
During the opening of the Civil Law Court for Montserrado, for it
February 2014 term, Judge Gbeneweleh emphatically told the gathering at
the court’s opening that it was regretful for judges who served the
country and its people for many years to be retired without adequate
retirement package. Such he said was resulting into poverty among the
retired judges.
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